Friday 11 October 2013

Inspiration & perspiration

Lately, I've been overwhelmed with the amount of talent in my program. Not only from the students, but from the faculty and the alumni from years passed. I look at their images and gasp, have my heart torn out or smile. They have gotten so far so fast in their imagery and I catch myself wondering where I am. A legend back at school is Kaleigh Middlecoop. A rising star, she creates beautiful images that capture the soul. She is truly an inspiration. I miss those days where the self doubt didn't exists. Where I just shot to shoot, and not for an assignment. I need to do that again. I need to go out and shoot for myself, because if I don't, I think I'll lost myself in deadlines, requirements and grades. If it doesn't turn out the way I want it to, so what? I've kept a book with me for a while so I can write down ideas as they come and it is slowly getting fuller. I need to do those things. Let my creativity out and make something wonderful. Kaleigh is a person I aspire to be like. She pushes the boundaries and lets the magic seep into her work. Every image has a feeling, an emotion that jumps at you. A thought that makes you reflect. From some inspiration and a lot of perspiration, I hope to get there sometime this year.