Friday 19 October 2012

Thank God It's Friday

You know those days where everything just seems to fall into place? When the sun rises into a beautiful morning and the birds sing their cheerful songs as the crisp air dances in the fresh autumn leaves. Yeah, I love those mornings too. Especially when it means the weekend is coming.

Wake up. Yawn. Look over my shoulder. Smile fondly. Caress his cheek. Heart pounds. Kiss his forehead. Get up & take a shower. Brush teeth, fix hair, get dressed. Breakfast. Write a note. Place it beside his pillow. Treck to school.

This, in simple terms was my morning. Although it did also include a gorgeous sunrise, crisp autumn air, amazing fall leaves rustling and country music. I do love waking up next to my love. Partially because I actually got some sleep the night before and because I can't get enough of him. He makes me feel whole and bubbly, makes me want to dance in the rain in my best dress. ( Wich btw I did do on his prom night when the weather was less then agreeable.)

There are very few people who are able to define me the way I want to be defined. Ask some of my best friends, they have a pretty good idea. But ask him, and I am sure he could go on for days explaining the intricacies of my odd personality. He has seen me at my best and at my worst and somehow still decides to be with me. IT has been almost two years and I still can't get enough.

All in all, our story is pretty different from other couples. We met strangely, we fell fast. I will spare you the details but this is what I learnt. You can go looking for love. The more you look the more it'll run from you. You have relax, concentrate on other things. Get distracted and everything will just fall into place. That's true for a lot of things. Just relax, let things happen and it'll all be okay. Stop worrying. Be happy.

I will leave you off with a couple of links to some songs that make me really happy no matter where I am and what mood I am in.

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