Tuesday 4 December 2012

Santa Baby

Christmas time is coming, but you already knew that. Chances are that you’re finishing up gift shopping, finding that perfect dress for the party and decorating that big tree. I love Christmas, the warm sweaters, the hot chocolate and the smell of winter in the breeze. My concern is that we’ve forgotten when it all really means. 

Getting the best deals on the perfect gift for your loved ones means standing in line for hours on end. Working non stop to get the money necessary to buy everything and fix up that fancy dinner for you in-laws. The stress of the holidays can really wear on someone, trust me I’ve seen and experienced its effects. So why do we do it?

We do it because we love them. We do it because deep down, part of us knows what the holidays should really be doing to us. They should bring us closer together and connect families in ways that are almost impossible on a daily basis. It gives us an excuse to spoil the ones we love, to show them what they mean to us. We go through the stress of organizing dinners and parties to stay close to those we appreciate.

The only thing that people seem to miss in all of that is this: you don’t need expensive gifts to show someone that you love them. You don’t need a fancy dinner or an elegant bash to show off your cooking and organizational skills. All you really need is a smile and a warm hug. Invite them over for drinks, go out to a restaurant, be their friends and sped time with them. That’s all we really ever ask for in our friends. As for families, well I know it can be hard to spend time with them sometimes. They are critical and difficult to live with; they mock you and show your old baby pictures to your new boyfriend/girlfriend and share stories that make you want to crawl under a rock. But they made you who you are today. They are the people who loved you unconditionally from the very start. They share their stories to make others fall in love with you. Honestly, those stories and pictures may be embarrassing but he or she will just love you that much more for them. Trust me.

This season, slow down, take the time to tell other that you love and miss them. Tell them they look great and spoil them with compliments. Lend them your ear and understanding. People need to listen more to the ones we love to hold up those strong relationships. Most of you don’t know but you are horrible listeners. Put your phone away, turn it off, the person in front of you is more important then the ones who are messaging you. Smile, pay attention and give advice (only if you’re good at it though, otherwise just listen).

"Christmas Portrait Assignment, the lovely Jacynthe Blanchard & her bo"

"Christmas Portrait Assignment, the lovely Taylor O'Connor"
"Christmas Portrait Assignment, the lovely Taylor O'Connor"
Above all else, be yourself because those who matter won’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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