Thursday 4 April 2013

The 11th Hour

As I find my portfolio due date approaching, I can feel myself getting stressed. I'm obsessing over little details in all of my images and trying to make things perfect. As I stare at my work, I find myself doubting everything. One last image to shoot, then printing and matting and it's all over. My first year in the photography program will be finished. I'm not sure if I am sad that it's halfway done already, happy that I am one step closer to my dream or scared that there is still so much left to do!

In times like these, when the stress is eating away at me and I find myself eating everything around me... I go back to the essay I wrote for my english class in 11th grade. I had actually posted it here not too long ago. For those that don't feel like reading it ( I know you... you're just as lazy as I am), it talks about taking the time to slow down and taking in everything around you when the world gets too overwhelming. I should start taking my own advice and relax. I know there is room for improvement... Hell, I'm only just about to turn 19 and this industry is forever learning and growing. It takes time to get everything right; and even them the doubt never leaves. I know that, yet I know I will fight against it for the rest of my career.

This is the ever-constant cycle of an artist. No matter what medium you may use, be it paint, graphite, a camera, a guitar or a type-writer, doubt is inevitable and completely unavoidable. All I have to say is push against it. If you are not able to push past your doubts and tell yourself that you ARE good enough, you will never produce anything of intrest. Move past the box you've created as a comfort zone and do something you've never done. The worst thing that will happen is that you fail and learn from the mistakes; you will better yourself through every disaster. Mistakes are what make us who we are and they define our styles. All in all, lets keep our heads, heels and standards high.

I will leave you with an artist that has inspired me (I found her through Sue Bryce and Creative Live) The amazing Mildy Glendhill's I Do Adore

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