Tuesday 2 April 2013


©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley
©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

Spring has finally arrived! Honestly, it could not have come any slower and I'm so happy that the air is starting to warm. I can see the grass and smell the renewal in nature's life. That is one thing that I love about where I live. The winter months can be difficult but beautiful in their own way and when they disappear  I get to watch everything come back to life. The world starts bleeding in colours and the days get longer. Summer is just around the corner and I can't wait to soak up the rays with a good book and spend my days lazing about and going for walks. The beach will be my permanent home with friends and family and I just can't get over how exited I am about summer and everything that comes with it. The warm rays kissing skin, the long nights and bonfires  the stolen kisses and beach days, the friends and family moments, the smell of freshly mowed grass and the love of everything surrounding us. I'm beaming just thinking about it all, aren't you?

On top of all that, my first year of college is over in two weeks. I am exited, nervous, scared and ecstatic all at the same time. There is still so much left to do but I know that I will get through it all. Exhibition is on the 29th and my birthday about ten days before that. Let me slow down for a second, I'm geting a little ahead of myself; what I wanted to highlight today was the amazing grace of Natasha Riley. She has been a dream to work with and an amazing friend through it all. She is capable of making anyone smile in the most difficult times and has an amazing personality and a great smile. I keep telling her that she has to go into professional modelling but she  is too shy to even think about it. I'll let you guys be the judge; here are the images from my shoot with her from last week.
©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley
©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley

©Sophie Fortier2013
Natasha Riley
Above all, she deserves the best that life can offer and I wish her all the best. Oh I also hope that we will spend much of the summer together and be silly all the time like the following behind the scenes images:

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