Friday 8 March 2013

The College Life

As most of you know, I am living my dream. Studying photography has become a very large part of my life and it's crazy, hectic and takes up most of my time. I love it. I have been pretty absent for the past few weeks and I do apologize. College, work and (what little free time I have left in between is taken up by the ones I love) friends have been taking over my life.

There is something so serene about the chaos is takes to get the perfect shot. Everything that can go wrong will. I have experienced this first hand about a week ago when shooting an assignment with this lovely woman. I was missing c-stands for my lights, and so my assistants (my father and the ever so patient Christina) hand-held them for me. Discovering that my photogenic flash units could not be fired because the pocket wizards I booked out did not come with batteries or sync cords and so my father went home and got his fluorescent light kit. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I'll cut to the chase: I was having a bad day. So I made do with what I had. All things aside...I got the shot.
Rachelle Scully

Rachelle Scully

Rachelle Scully

Rachelle Scully

Rachelle Scully

Rachelle Scully
I would like to thank the amazing Rachelle Scully for putting up with the chaos and being very patient through the whole ordeal. She is a beautiful woman whom I respect greatly and has been a mentor  since I was a child. Her easy smile and kind words have guided me through some hard times and I will never forget her.  Stay beautiful!

P.S. She has an amazing house that I swear was decorated by an interior designer. (she says her and her hudband managed to decorate it!! I know, impossible right? haha)

I will leave you guys with one little thing I would like to say: to all you lovely ladies who doubt themselves as laugh lines begin showing and your children get older: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Trust me.

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