Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Calm Before the Storm

For a very long time, I dreamt of having the perfect pair of cowboy boots. On my birthday, I received money both from my parents and grandfather so I decided to finally get them. Now the thing about cowboy boots many people don't know is that it can take up to 15 hours of walking to break them in. It also takes someone to help you to get them off of your feet. So my boyfriend groans every time I put them on because he is the one who has to help me get them off. But there is no way I will ever give them up because they are awesome. Simple as that. 
Sophie Fortier 2013©
Day 25 
So this post is a double feature. Do you remember those moments in the car when it just starts pouring? Raining so hard that when you step outside you're instantly soaked? I had something like that happen to me and some friends about two years ago. We'd decided to go to the Vankleek Hill fair and after a lot of fun, the day gave way to an intense storm. We ran through the streets with our clothes absolutely soaked, our shoes in our hands and when we got to the car, we had to strip down (to a certain extent)  to avoid soaking the interior. After that day, theres always been a part of me that loves the rain. Not that rain that patters softly against a roof. The rain that drenches you in seconds and it has become a bucket list of sorts to get kissed in that kind of rain. (hinthint to my boyfriend who might be reading this...) I honestly don't know what it is about that moment that toggles between a beautiful sunny day and the downpour of the century, but it sends chills through my body every time and makes me smile like an idiot.
Sophie Fortier 2013©
Day 26

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