Sunday 6 May 2012

Four Letter Word

As mysterious and enchanting the word "love" can be, there is nothing better than the feeling. Over the course of one's life, we strive to find the one person who can give us that affection. There is a craving that reins in our souls. It's like graduating from High School; a gain, an accomplishment, a new life. It's unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. The moment you fall in love, you will remember it for the rest of your life. Love; however, is temperamental. Go looking for it and it will run away. But take the time to relax and enjoy life and everything will fall into your lap. It will all hit you so fast that you won't know what's happening. There is a sense of fairytale happiness that kicks in, it's the magical enchantment that is LOVE.

The funny thing is, I can confidently call myself the happiest woman in the world. I have found my second half. Or maybe he found me I'm really unsure, but there's just something about him that I can't describe. I can't put it into words. It's the way he smiles at me, the way his eyes shine under the night sky and the reflections of a burning sunset in their glass beauty. The way his hands touch my skin, leaving trails of fire licking at my flesh. The way his kiss makes me loose every train of thought. Soft, dirty blond hair, big green blue eyes ; honestly the most amazing things I have ever witnessed, full colored lips with a smile that could stop traffic.  With a voice that could captivate the world... no wonder I was a gonner the moment I met him. The truth, when I get right down to it is that he is the better part of me. When I get lost in this big world, he is the one who brings me back to the ground. And when it feels like the world is crashing down around me, when I break into a million pieces, he's there. He is the one who picks me back up. The one person who can follow me into anything I want to do. He supports my dreams and I know he will do anything to make them happen. The way he smiles makes me heart skip and brightens my universe. The funny thing is, he just wants me to be happy and he doesn't even realize that what makes me happy is just being able to call him mine. I love waking up in the morning and remembering all those moments: the first time we kissed. The whispered words in the middle if the night, watching the sunset on the beach, stealing a kiss in a midnight swim, the reflected stars in his eyes. Every moment I have spent with him is a dream come true. People might be looking for a prince charming, but honestly he is my idiot in tinfoil and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Love is the most amazing thing you would ever experience. It's finishing that last coat of paint on your first home. It's holding the diploma you've been working years to obtain. It's standing on top of the biggest mountain you've ever seen. It is soft, hard, sweet, harsh and beautiful for everything that it is. I cannot fathom my life without him. He is I and I, him. True love... It never dies. 

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