Thursday 10 May 2012


There is a place where the sea always roars, where a salty breeze is ever-present in the cool air. In the peaceful life of Prince-Edward-Island, stress drips away; rolls off your skin in rivulets. As the famous red sand collects under your feet, a hush falls over the world. For once, time slows down, an overwhelming abundance leeks into your grasp. The search for those slipping seconds is no longer existent. You can slow down… and for once, take the luxury to think for and of your own self.

It was the summer of 2009, our yearly summer trip to P-E-I was taking place. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it all; the long drive, the pit stops and the usual sibling rivalries. Once there, the peaceful lifestyle had us wrapped up in its grasp. My parents, on the other hand, had been on tight strings with each other for a while. One evening, a light banter took place between them, nothing too serious. Then a bomb went off. The trigger is still unknown to me, but the explosion is a constant presence in my mind. Threats were made, divorce papers suggested. The whole night went up in flames and the star-filled sky clouded over in black smoke. Sleep did not come easily; my world was getting torn apart. Thoughts of broken families darkened my mind for hours. As the veil of unconsciousness finally pulled over me, nightmares took over. Grotesque monsters filled the room, the sound of ripping flesh echoed in the walls. I woke up drenched in sweat and close to tears. No longer able to seek comfort in sleep, I pulled on my flip-flops and set out for the beach.

Darkness still loomed outside as the dawn began peeking through the stretched clouds.  The air was cool against my skin and the smell of salt calmed my frayed nerves. Taking a deep breath, I fell into a steady pace, my feet pattering against the red dirt. Rows of cozy cottages fell away behind me and marshlands took their place as the sea breeze made waves in the tall grasses.  Life began to appear in the new day; small frogs croaking and wild birds singing gently. Halfway to the beach, a gorgeous blue heron stood in the middle of a small pond. Poised, ready to catch his morning breakfast, he stood majestically, waiting for the right moment.  Further in the horizon rose a tall sand dune; it’s green façade proudly standing against the cool wind.

Finally reaching the white sand, I took off my sandals and let my toes sink into the chilled shore. The ocean roared in the distance as small waves crashed over my feet, trying to pull me in. I stretched my legs, got onto my toes and let my whole body coil at once. Every muscle popped as I rolled my shoulders and I filled my lungs with the fresh, dawning air. Then I obeyed the sea’s call. Falling down, I let my body sink into the shallow water. It wrapped around my skin, soaked my clothes and ran through my hair, taking every thought away with it. Lying there, I watched the sky turn pink and the rays lengthen the golden clouds.

Getting up, I let the water drip off my skin and onto the ground. I looked to either side of me; sand stretched for miles in either direction.  To my right, the tall sand dune ascended into the sky, defiant against my peace. Walking towards the looming beast, it grew in front of me, its steep angle increasing with every step. At the large base, I stared up, looking for the mountain`s peak. Far and high, it stood in the horizon against the sky. I began to climb. For every step that led me higher, the sand shifted under my feet and I fell two paces back. Signing in frustration I quickly determined that it was going to be an ambitiously long climb. I kept going.

 After many long minutes of strain, I reached the top. Standing against the now strong wind, I let my thoughts disappear. The pure beauty of the land took my breath away, all stress fell to the bottom of that great dune and every breath was fresh; new. Blue ocean pushed against the smooth shore as the clouds began to disappear. A rainbow sky illuminated the world, basking everything in a warm, golden glow. Despite the chilly air, I felt the pleasant sun kissing my skin. The salty water made my hair stick to my face, my eyes, no longer filled with the tears of remorse for my parents, shone with the renewal of a dawning day. It had been a long time since I was able to be alone with my thoughts. More than that, in fact, I almost feared it. I’d always been independent and preferred to work alone, however I had never let myself be truly solitary. Pressure leaked out of every pore from my skin as I stared for fear of forgetting the scenery before me.  A small smile played at the corner of my mouth and I started to make my way back down.  I jumped down, landing every ten feet or so in the cool, soft sand. Laughing as a child, I let my body tumble, part by part down the small façade. Carefree, I let sand spill into my clothes and hair.

Once at the base, I walked further from the cottage. Looking back at the dune, I shook my head with an amused smile; everything seemed so trivial. The fight long forgotten; words dissipated into thin air. I kept up a steady pace, heading for the skyline forever ahead of me. Watching the sun’s ray pulls and stretch across the morning sky, I decided never to look back and to let myself breathe when everything seemed to be crashing around me. Nothing was more important than taking the time to think for myself.

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