Saturday 12 May 2012

The Unorganized Artist... Story of my Life

This is what you get when you give me
paint and inspiration. 
There is only so much organization an artist's mind can take. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. In so many ways, I believe this to be very true. Countless times I have created (drawn, captured or painted) a piece that has been very creative. The thing is, there was always something missing; it didn't quite make the impact that I wanted, so I never considered it art and so started from scratch all over again. Jumbling concepts, colors, lines and textures can be a confusing process. Half the time I just want to get my ideas out onto the blank canvas. It becomes very frustrating when there is a constant flow of ideas, a tingling in my hands wanting me to pick something up an create; but the inspiration does not come. I can't get what is in my head to flow through my hands properly.

What I will honestly tell you is that my soulmate is my muse. He is the reason for which I dream and create everything I do. If I don't feel as though I could give him my latest piece... it isn't good enough. Inspiration, however can come from everything. I do think that beauty reigns anywhere. Looking hard enough, we can find it in anything. Inspiration is easy enough, its the muse you have to find. the reason for everything you do. It shapes your paintings, creates the first lines from that drawing and forces you to push that shutter at just the right moment. Without a muse, an artist is lost.

An artist's mind is never neat. There isn't any form of organization to a true masterpiece. You start at one side, keep going at the other and come back to the middle. You paint several layers and erase multiple lines. You scream, cry and talk to yourself. Your friends and family knock on the door to make sure you're alright. Throwing your tools to the ground is no uncommon for most of us.

The one thing you can never do is give up. To give up on anything you create is to give up on yourself. You may not like the concept as much as you thought you would, but you cannot leave the piece unfinished. FINISH IT! It may no longer be considered art, you may not like it; but what finishing that piece will do is leave room for another, more amazing one. You'll feel free, even accomplished and worst comes to worst, start another and come back to it in a couple weeks. Fix it, tweak it and make it yours.

After a photo-shoot or finishing a sketch, I often find myself covered in graphite or mud. There is nothing I won't do for the perfect capture. Nothing else matters in the moment but what you're working on. Perfection, I am well aware, is unattainable. But there is nothing more I strive for when creating. Many call me a perfectionist, I prefer to say that I pay attention to the details. It's a state of mind, not a sickness. The blatant unorganized state of an artist's mind is boggling to most people. We go on rants, lose track of our point and we mix our stories together. If you are close to an artist, you know what I mean. If you are not, take the time to know one. We are a fascinating bunch. You  might just fall for our charm. But to all those bidding artistics, remember, creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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