Friday 10 May 2013

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

Sophie Fortier 2013 ©
Sophie Fortier 2013 ©
Many of us lose faith over the years. There are moments that break us down and bring us to our knees. They tear us apart and drown our dreams. There are people in the world who will always hold us back; make us believe we are less then they are. And we believe them.

It is so much easier to believe the bad things about ourselves then it is to believe the true and amazing things that make us who we are. Comparing yourself or your work to someone else is the first mistake. There will ALWAYS be someone better, more talented, more creative, better looking. But they are not YOU. YOU are unique and amazing in your own way. You are who you are because of the things you've accomplished so far and the dreams you wish to accomplish.

Taking the time to look around at the people who surround you will change your life. Make sure that those people are the ones who will never abandon you when the world comes crashing down, who will pick you up when your on your knees and who will always, always be the positive force on a rainy day.

When someone knocks you down, know that it is because they are either jealous of you or scared of you. Someone who is fit who looks down at you knows that you can lose the weight but they will always be bitter. The one who holds his work higher then your own knows that you can perfect your craft but his soul will never shine through his work. You are the one who can do anything you set your mind to. The others are those who are afraid to shoot for the moon. They figure that if you miss it, you're a failure; but the rest of us know that if you miss the moon, you'll land amongst the stars. 

In other words, every cloud has a silver lining, if you can't see it,  you just need someone to show you.
Stay Beautiful everyone. 
p.s. GO SENS GO (Better luck next year Habs)

Sophie Fortier 2013 ©

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